To cite UniprotR in publications use: Soudy, M., Anwar, A.M., Ahmed, E.A., Osama, A., Ezzeldin, S., Mahgoub, S. and Magdeldin, S., 2020. UniprotR: Retrieving and visualizing protein sequence and functional information from Universal Protein Resource (UniProt knowledgebase). Journal of Proteomics, 213, p.103613. A BibTeX entry for LaTeX users is @Article{, title = {UniprotR: Retrieving and visualizing protein sequence and functional information from Universal Protein Resource (UniProt knowledgebase)}, author = {Mohamed Soudy and Ali Mostafa Anwar and Eman Ali Ahmed and Aya Osama and Shahd Ezzeldin and Sebaey Mahgou and Sameh Magdeldin}, journal = {Journal of Proteomics}, volume = {213}, pages = {103613}, year = {2020}, issn = {1874-3919}, doi = {10.1016/j.jprot.2019.103613}, url = {}, }